An Analytical Study of Upayakausalya (Skillful Means) with Special Reference to Saddharmapundarikasutra

Submitted by : | Nguyen Thi Kim Anh (BhikkhuniPannaloka) |
University: | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune |
E-mail : | |
Supervisor's Name : | Ms. Pranali Prakash Waingankar |
Year of award : | 2023 |
Awards : | M.A. Buddhist Studies |
This thesis explores the concept of Upyakaualya commonly known as skillful means with a specific focus on its significance within the teachings of Mahyna Buddhism particularly in relation to the Sadharmapuarkastra. As one of the prominent Mahyna sutras the Sadharmapuarkastraoffers valuable insights into the application of skillful means within Buddhist philosophy.The research presented in this thesis investigates the role of upyakaualya in the teachings of the Buddha with a particular emphasis on its manifestation within Mah...
Chapter 1: Introduction
1. Background of Saddharmapuṇá¸Âarikasutra
2. Rationale of Research and Its Importance
3. Objectives of Research
4. Nature and Scope of Research
5. Research Methodology and Steps in Research
6. Literature Review
Chapter 2: An Overview of Upayakausalya (Skillful Means)
2.1 Analysis of The Meaning of The Term Upayakauśalya
2.2 Classification of Skills and Their Meanings
2.3 Early and Later Usage of Skilful Means
Chapter 3: The Usage of Upayakausalya Through Parables
3.1 Burning House and Medicinal Herbs
3.2 Lost Son and Treasure in Garment and Phantom City
3.3 A Skilled Physician
3.4 Deception Leading to The Truth as a Skillful Means
Chapter 4: The Various Aspects of Upayakausalya in The MahayanaSutras
4.1 Skilful Means and Compassion (Karuṇa)
4.2 Skilful Means and Wisdom (Prajna)
4.3 Skilful Means and Emptiness (Sunyata)
4.4 Skilful Means and Six Perfections (Paramitas)
Chapter 5: Conclusion
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