Effect Of Trehalose On Quality Of Cryopreserved Banas Kankrej Bull Semen

Submitted by : | Dr. SHAIKH KASHIF QADEER |
University: | Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar-385 506, Gujarat |
E-mail : | shaikh.kashif786@gmail.com |
Supervisor's Name : | Dr. H. C. NAKHASHI |
Year of award : | 2014 |
The present investigation on the Effect of Trehalose on Quality of Cryopreserved Banas Kankrej Bull Semen was undertaken at Dama semen production Unit Banas dairy Palanpur for a period of 12 weeks. Total three Banas Kankrej bulls aged between 4 to 5 years were used and semen was collected using artificial vagina method once weekly for twelve weeks from each of the bulls. The semen was evaluated for physical characteristics and enzymatic profile at post-dilution post-equilibration and frozen thawed stages of cryopreservation using different Trehalose concentrations viz. 50mM Trehalose 100mM Trehalose 150mM Trehalose and control without Trehalose.    &nbs...
1. Introduction
2. Review of Literature
3. Material and Methods
4. Observation and Results
5. Discussion
6. Summary and Conclusions
7. Bibliography
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