Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism Policy of International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR)

  1. Plagiarism Detection
    • The International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) employs advanced plagiarism detection software to compare submitted manuscripts against a vast database for similarity checks.
    • Authors must ensure their work is original and properly cited, adhering to academic integrity standards.
  2. Author Responsibility
    • Authors must acknowledge IJAR’s plagiarism and copyright policies when signing the copyright transfer agreement.
    • Manuscripts under review must properly cite unpublished data and obtain necessary permissions.
  3. Definition of Plagiarism
    • Plagiarism includes copying ideas, text, data, tables, figures, and graphs without proper citation.
    • Even if cited correctly, reusing previously published work requires permission from the copyright holder.
    • Reformulated versions of prior work must still be attributed appropriately.
  4. Citation Guidelines
    • Short word-for-word copied segments (a few words or one or two sentences) must be enclosed in quotation marks or italicized.
    • Longer copied segments (paragraphs) must be properly formatted and cited.
    • Extensive word-for-word copying of an author’s own work is allowed only with explicit permission and a clear indication in the article.
  5. Self-Citation and Prior Documents
    • Previous documents such as working papers and theses written as part of research do not fall under self-plagiarism.
    • Entire sections copied from another source must be properly cited.
  6. Proper Attribution
    • Even in double-blind review, authors must cite related work, including their own.
    • If citing their work might reveal their identity, authors should use a “blinded” citation and inform the journal editor.
    • If the original paper is under review elsewhere, the editor must be notified to prevent parallel publication.
  7. Figures, Charts, and Graphs
    • Direct reproduction of charts, graphs, or data from prior publications without citation is considered plagiarism.
  8. Transparency and Editorial Understanding
    • Authors must clearly disclose any reuse of work, including parallel publications or conference proceedings, in a cover letter to the editor.

Editorial Team

  • This policy is enforced by the Editorial Team of IJAR.

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