Our esteemed Journal, International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) is currently indexed in the following:
- Google Scholar,
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- NAAS Score: 2.99 (S. No. 1497 in the list)
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- THOMSON REUTERS Researcher ID: M-6054-2017 Now called Pubon
- Chemical Abstract Services Databases (CAS databases).
- CNKI Scholar
- Index Copernicus International Ltd, Poland
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- Scribd
- CrossRef
- Science Library Index
- scientific World Index
- ROAD Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
- Root Indexing
- Journal Factor
- MIAR 2014 LIVE; Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals
- ResearchGate,
- Mendeley
- National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE/PubMed Data Element
- Pakistan Academic Research (Growing Knowledge for Feature)
- Electronic journal library
- Academic Journals Database
- Library.USASK; University of Saskatchewan
- International Society for Research Activity
- Urlich’s Periodicals Directory, Proquest, USA
- Open-J-Gate, India
- NewJour-Georgetown University Library, USA
- The Open Access Digital Library, USA
- Lenide Journals
- Dayang journal system, Korea
- Science central, USA
- San Jose State University Library, USA
- Pharma Trendz International
- Pharmpedia, Canada
- Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), USA
- SOCOLAR, China
- Google Scholar
- Indian Science
- LexiNexis
- Research Bible – Journal Seeker
- Electronic Journals Library (EZB)
- ZDB-Database, Germany
- Rubriq Beta
- Academia, Refertus, eannu, The Journal database (TJDB) and in TutorGig
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