30May 2016

Prevalence of Subclinical hypothyroidism among Patients with acute Coronary Syndrome.

  • Cardiology department, Faculty of medicine, BenhaUniversity, Egypt.
  • Cardiology department, Matarya Teaching Hospital, Egypt.
  • Abstract
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Objectives:-To detect prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) among acute coronary syndrome patients and to assess its association with both in hospital morbidity and mortality. Methods:- The study included 300 patients admitted with the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome (either STEMI or NSTEMI or UA) with close follow up during the in hospital stay to detect any morbidity or mortality. All subjects underwent complete lipid profile (TC-TG-LDL-C-HDL-C-VLDL-C) and thyroid profile (free T3-free T4-TSH). Results:-SCH was associated with hypercholesterolemia (in 83.1 % of patients), hypertriglyceridemia (in 80% of patients), increased LDL-C (in 83.3% of patients), decreased HDL-C (in 85.7% of patients) and increased VLDL-C (in 86.6% of patients).The prevalence of SCH among ACS patients was 5%. Morbidity was 34.6% in ACS patients with normal thyroidprofile (euthyroid) vs. 20% in those with SCH (pvalue0.7). Mortality was 2.5% in ACS patients with normal thyroidprofile (euthyroid) vs. 0% in those with SCH (pvalue more than 0.05). Conclusion:-Prevalence of SCH is 5% in ACS patients and it has no association with in hospital morbidity and mortality.

[Mohammed Mansour Helmy Mohammed,Hamza Mohamed Kabil, Ali Ibrahim Atia and Mohammed Mahrous Ali. (2016); Prevalence of Subclinical hypothyroidism among Patients with acute Coronary Syndrome. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 4 (May). 440-446] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Mohammed Manosur Helmy


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/386      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/386