A Review on Immersion System to increase the efficiency of Solar Panels.
- Mechanical & Production Engineering- Student, Sathyabama University Chennai.
- Professor and Head of Mechanical &Production, Sathyabama University Chennai.
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A solar cell converts solar optical energy directly in to electrical energy. The major problem related to the solar cell is their lower efficiency. Typically when the surface of the solar panel increases, the efficiency of the solar panel decreases. Generally, a PV module has ideal conversion efficiency in the range of 15%. The remaining energy is converted into heat and this heat increases operating temperature of PV system which affects the electrical power production of PV modules and this can also cause the structural damage of PV modules, which leads to shorting its life span and lowering conversion efficiency. The cell efficiency can be increased by lowering the solar panel into liquid material, so that the temperature can reduce and the efficiency of the solar panel will increase. Another method of lowering the temperature of the panel can be achieved by passing the air continuously with the help of a blower on the rear side of the panel. So the temperature can be lowered and the air can be heated also, so that we can use it as solar air heater. Cooling is the transfer of energy from a space or from a air to space in order to achieve a lower temperature than that of natural surroundings. Temperature control of solar cells at high concentrations is a key issue. Short-term efficiency drop and long-term degradation should be avoided by effective cooling methods. In this communication, we will review to increase the efficiency of the solar panel with immersion system.
[Dharmendra thakur, Amit arnav, Abhishek datta and E.V.V Ramanamurthy. (2016); A Review on Immersion System to increase the efficiency of Solar Panels. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 4 (Apr). 312-325] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com