30Mar 2016


  • Research Scholar, Department of Chemistry, S.N. College, Kollam.
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The uncontrolled use of synthetic pesticides has severely impacted ecosystem function and dynamics. The plant kingdom is treasure trove of natural secondary metabolites from plants. Research on pesticides of botanical origin are progressing in top gear globally as these are eco-friendly, non-pollutive, renewable, inexhaustible, indigenously available, easily approachable, readily biodegradable and relatively cost effective. Hence new biorational and specific trends to pest control are the need of the hour to cop up with emerging challenges.

[Lini K. Mathew. (2016); BOTANICALS AS BIOPESTICIDES: A REVIEW. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 4 (Mar). 1734-1739] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Lini K. Mathew