29Feb 2016


  • Candidate of Law, Independent researcher of ?Civil Law? department, Tashkent State University of Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
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At the moment, when it was not eliminated and still appear unfavorable conditions of the global financial and economic crisis in many developed and developing countries, the ongoing reforms to promote a stable and efficient economy in our country, provide the basis for sustainable economic development of Uzbekistan today. In the years of independence, deep structural changes in the economy, providing income growth, enhance effective trade and investment processes, agricultural reform, the legal system was created, aimed at strengthening the economy of farms, sustainable development of small business, private entrepreneurship and family business in the national economy. As a result, the banking and financial system of the country, as a stable system, ensures a consistent steady growth in prestige and status of the Uzbek economy in the international economic arena. Regulation of accounting relations between corporations and individuals in agriculture include them in the objects of civil, banking and finance, insurance and labor law. Main aspect of civil legal settlement in agriculture is the implementation of monetary fulfillment of the obligations in the calculations, the definition of measures to ensure obligations under settlement relations.

[Ulash Abduazizovich Umarov (2016); THE MAIN ASPECTS AND FEATURES OF CIVIL-LAW REGULATION OF CALCULATIONS IN AGRICULTURE Int. J. of Adv. Res. 4 (Feb). 320-323] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Shoxrud Farmonovich.