Serum levels of IL-13 and PAF in ulcerative colitis patients
- PhD Immunology, Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, College of Health and Medical Technology, Middle Technical University.
- MSc student in Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, College of Health and Medical Technology, Middle Technical University.
- M.B.Ch.B, F.I.B.M.S, immunology, Faculty of Medicine, AL-mustansiriya University.
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Background: Interleukin (IL) IL-13 and Platelet activating factor (PAF) can be the key roles that influence the cause of colonic mucosa inflammation and ulceration in UC patients also platelets are new players in the mucosa of colon. Objective: the study aimed to investigate the sera IL-13 and PAF levels in patients with ulcerative colitis and normal controls and define if these markers levels differences to get with the severity and extent of disease according to endoscopic findings Patients and methods: The present study, extend from December 2014 and May 2015, a total of 75 patients with ulcerative colitis from both sex (40males,35females) and their ages ranged between (16-62 years). Other of 25 apparently healthy subjects (16 males, 9 females) without any history of gastrointestinal or other diseases. Their ages ranged between (19-54 years).All samples were tested by Enzyme Linked Immune Sorbent Assay (ELISA) for IL-13, PAF and by automated device for complete blood count. The suitable methods were used in order to analyze and assess the results. Results: Present study showed high concentrations of IL-13 with mean (683.850pg/ml) of ulcerative colitis patients contrasted with healthy control (87.200 pg/ml).In spite of this the severity and the disease extent have no significance influenced with the concentration differences of IL-13in UC patients. The PAF concentrations ranged between (0.00-234ng/ml) with mean (23.093) of ulcerative colitis patients, the severe UC patients group showed the higher percentage for PAF concentration comparing to mild and moderate but this difference has no significance at p=0.510 . PAF concentration was positive in 37.5% (distal/ left-sided colitis ),18.75% (extensive colitis ),18.75% (proctitis) and 25% (proctosigmoditis) but this differences no significance in UC patients (p=0.497).The statistical analysis results of complete blood count showed significant differences in Monocytes , Eosinophil , Basophil , red blood cells and Hb (p<0.05) between the patients group and the control group ,While Neutrophil , lymphocyte and platelets results showed no significant (p>=0.05). IL-13 results showed high significance correlation with platelets count.
[Mayada Noori Iqbal, Mays Alaa Abdulhussien, Midean Ali Hussien (2016); Serum levels of IL-13 and PAF in ulcerative colitis patients Int. J. of Adv. Res. 4 (Jan). 1297-1310] (ISSN 2320-5407).