31Jan 2016

Antimicrobial activity of Zoysia grass (Turf Grass/Lawn Grass) on Total Coliform: A low cost potential Water disinfectants

  • Project Assistant, EIRA Division, CSIR-NEERI, NAGPUR 440020, India.
  • Project Assistant, EIRA Division, CSIR-NEERI, NAGPUR 440020, India.
  • Corresponding Author: Sr. Principal Scientist and Head EIRA Division, CSIR-NEERI, NAGPUR 440020, India.
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Water is the universal component, needed by human beings everyday for various purposes like drinking, washing, bathing, in agricultural lands etc. Burgeoning population increases the demand for industrial establishments to meet human needs, which in turn has created many environment problems, including water pollution. Microbial contamination of fresh water bodies is also a common problem, as water from most of the water bodies requires disinfectant, particularly when water is used for human consumption. Presence of particular type of microbes decides which type of disinfectant will be suitable for eliminating microbial contamination. The water disinfection problem is large and complex in developing countries. Among the various methods of disinfection, chlorine continues to be one of the favorite disinfectants, worldwide. However, it had been shown that using chlorine might produce various deleterious compounds such as Trihalomethanes (THM’s), which were reported to be carcinogenic in nature. The present paper mainly expresses the potential of Emerald zoysia grass in treating water contaminated with coliforms. Further, techno-economical feasibility of its use as a substitute for chlorine in water disinfection is being looked into.

[Rupa Roy, Ekta Singh, S.K.Goyal (2016); Antimicrobial activity of Zoysia grass (Turf Grass/Lawn Grass) on Total Coliform: A low cost potential Water disinfectants Int. J. of Adv. Res. 4 (Jan). 239-248] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

S.K. Goyal