A Study on Emotional Intelligence in Educational Institutions
- Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore – 02.
- Professor P.G.Dept of Commerce and Management Studies VRS&YRN College Chirala.
- Assistant Professor and Research Scholar, MBA Dept, VVCE, Mysuru
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Emotional intelligence is essential factor responsible for determining success in personal and professional life. Psychological wellbeing seems to play an important role in shaping the behavior & performance of individual’s work-life environment. This study is undertaken to understand the performance level of students in educational institutions in Mysore, the study focuses on understanding emotional intelligence of students, its connectivity to their performance. This paper examines the impact of four significant aspects of Emotional Intelligence that is self-awareness, Emotional Resilience, Motivation, Interpersonal sensitivity, Influence, Intuitiveness, Conscientiousness. Data for this study was collected through questionnaire and the respondents were the college students. The study used statistical tools like ANOVA, Regression analysis. The findings reveal that Self-awareness, Influence, Conscientiousness has positive influence on Emotional Intelligence.
[B. Radha, A. Bhavani Shree (2015); A Study on Emotional Intelligence in Educational Institutions Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Dec). 954-961] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com