30Nov 2015

Vermicast potential in lettuce growing in peri-urban farming

  • Department Chair Agricultural Sciences, College of Agriculture Fisheries, and Natural Resources, University of Eastern Philippines, University Town, Catarman Northern, Samar.
  • Project Manager, Horticulture Center, College of Agriculture Fisheries, and Natural Resources, University of Eastern Philippines, University Town, Catarman Northern, Samar.
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A complete randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 3 replications was used to determine the growth performance of lettuce grown in different level of vermicast mixture as growing medium. The result showed that plant height, number leaves per plant, plant weight and total yield were significantly influenced by the different level of vermicast. Tallest plants with most numbers of leaves and greatest yield was exhibited by lettuce planted in 75% vermicast + 25% garden soil medium. This medium consistently excelled in all the treatments evaluated.

[Leovegildo B. Mante, Jr. and A.D. Mante (2015); Vermicast potential in lettuce growing in peri-urban farming Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Nov). 584- 585] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Leovegildo B. Mante