31Oct 2015

Comparative Study of the Quality Services of Banks (Bank Alfalah, Bank of Punjab, MCB Bank)

  • Institute of Business and Management, University of Engineering and Technology, IB&M-UET Lahore-PAKISTAN.
  • Management Sciences Department - National University of Computer and Emerging Science FAST-NUCES, Lahore- PAKISTAN.
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In this research it is concentrated on the assessment of the quality services of the banks which they are providing to their customers. Three banks of Pakistan Bank Alfalah, Bank of Punjab and MCB Bank are compared on the basis of quality service which they are providing to their customers. The data is collected from the relevant customers of banks with the help of questionnaires. Sample size is forty five from all banks. To investigate the customer satisfaction Kano model is applied and quality service is measured that how the banks perceive their customers’ demands and proving the quality service.

[Shahzad, Mohsin, Zafar, Abaid Ullah (2015); Comparative Study of the Quality Services of Banks (Bank Alfalah, Bank of Punjab, MCB Bank) Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Oct). 1828-1832] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Shahzad, Mohsin