31Oct 2015

The Influence of Perceived Service Performance and Price Fairness toward Repurchase through Customer Satisfaction and Word of Mouth (An Empirical Study of Lion Air Company)

  • Faculty of Economics, University of YARSI Jakarta-Indonesia
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The study is done on low cost carrier, Lion Air in Soekarno-Hatta airport for domestic flight. The determined variables are Percieved Service Performance, Price Fairness, Customer Satisfaction, Word of Mouth and Repurchase. The purpose of this study is to analyze and explain the influence of Percieved Service Performance, Price Fairness, Customer Satisfaction, Word of Mouth and Repurchase. The sample used are 252 respondents. The analysis uses SEM with the software of SPSS and LISREL 8.8. The study result found that the service performance perceived by the passenger will be negaively influence the repurchase and from the satisfaction as well as word of mouth, the influence is still negative. However, the price offered is suitable and affordable so that customers are willing to repurchase. The biggest line is the price fairness toward the repurchase through the word of mouth. Customers will communicate by word of mouth the positive things about the airline. In the long term, it will improve the relationship between the customers and the airline and increase the company profitability.

[Nazwirman, S. Kom MM (2015); The Influence of Perceived Service Performance and Price Fairness toward Repurchase through Customer Satisfaction and Word of Mouth (An Empirical Study of Lion Air Company) Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Oct). 1846-1854] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr. Nazwirman, S. Kom, MM