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This study is about the switching of generation Y customer in cellular phone industry Global System of Communication Mobile. This study is based on the high customer switching number in phone operator service especially of the college students of several colleges in southern Jakarta. 6 variables that will be studied are service quality, relationship marketing, alternative attraction, customer satisfaction, customer commitment and customer switchinng. Study method used are quantitative explorative research and desriptive research method with sample measurement of 450 cellular phone customers in several universities inn southern Jakarta where the sampling method used is puurposive sampling. The data analysis technique with Sructural Equation Method (SEM) with AMOS 21 program. This study found that service quality directly influences the customer switch while if it gets through the the customer satisfaction, the influence is negative. The alternative attraction directly influences the customer switch while through the satisfaction, it has no influence and relationship marketing does not directly or indirectly to the customer switch.
[Derriawan, SE.MM (2015); The Influence of Service Quality, Relationship Marketing and Alternative Attractiveness on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Commitment and its Impact Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Sep). 1420-1428] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com