Therapeutic Study of Saffron against Doxorubicin Toxicity in the Management of Cancer Chemotherapy

- Research Centre, Mahavir Cancer Institute, Phulwarisharif, Patna.
- Department of Botany, S.N.S.R.K.S College, Saharsa.
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Doxorubicin is a member of the Anthracyclin drug family and one of the most frequently used drug to treat many forms of cancer such as leukemia, lymphoma and solid tumors. Doxorubicin is an essential component of treatment for childhood solid tumors and aggressive lymphomas and shows activity in acute lymphoblastic or myeloblastic leukemias. The use of the drug induced cardio toxicity and affects the immune functions. This toxic side effect makes the problem during cancer chemotherapy causes myelosuppression, mucosal ulceration, alopecia and diarrhoea etc. The aim of the study was to evaluate therapeutic impact of saffron in animal model for ameliorating the toxic side effects being produced during doxorubicin administration. In the present investigation saffron @ 8 mg/kg b.w. was used against administration of doxorubicin @ 5 mg/kg b.w. in rats. Red Blood Cell Count, White Blood Cell count, Platelets, and Absolute Lymphocyte Count were observed on day 5th. A marked reduction in total count of RBC, WBC, ALC, & Platelets were observed on day 5th. When Saffron (8mg/kg b.w.) administered five days prior to Doxorubicin administration and continued for 10 days, on day 15th blood extracted for haematological analysis. Significant increase in total count of WBC, ALC and Platelets were observed while there is no significant (P > 0.05) statistical difference was observed in RBC. Thus findings of present investigation showed that therapeutic potency of saffron help to ameliorate the toxicity produced during cancer chemotherapy.
[Mohammad Ali, Shikha Choudhury, Laxmi Kumari, Md. Seemab Akhter, Tarique Faizi Rizvi, Ranjit Kumar and Arun Kumar (2015); Therapeutic Study of Saffron against Doxorubicin Toxicity in the Management of Cancer Chemotherapy Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Sep). 874-878] (ISSN 2320-5407).