Folk lore uses and Preliminary Phytochemical Investigation on Leaves, Seeds Extract of Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) C.Jeffrey
- Research scholar, Department of Botany, University College for women koti, Osmania University, Hyderabad- 500 095, Telangana, India.
- Prof. Nirmala Babu Rao, Department of Botany University College for Women Koti, Osmania University ,Hyderabad -500 095 Telangana, India.
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Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) C.Jeffrey commonly known as shivalingi is a lesser heard and perennial climber having diversified medicinal values. It is belongs to cucurbitaceae family This plants especially the leaves and seeds have immense folklore usage even today. The leaves of the plant are generally applied as an anti-inflammatory paste. Women take the seeds in combination with other medicinal herbs for helping conception and prevent miscarriage. The seeds of the plant are increased spermatogenesis .the present study was undertaken to evaluate the preliminary phytochemical constituents of leves and seeds extracts. Were screened for their phytochemical constituents following hot continuous and successive extraction by soxhlet apparatus. Qualitative phytochemical screening was under taken to check for the presence of alkaloids, flavanoids, saponins tannins, phenols cardiac glycosides, di and tri terpenoids in various extracts such as petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, chloroform, methanol and water. Among all the five extracts, maximum phytochemicals were found dissolved in methanol followed by water, chloroform, ethyl acetate and then petroleum ether. This provides impetus to conduct advanced research on this leaves and seeds to uncover its vast medicinal potential and further isolated characterized to establish their potential against ailments.
[A. Pradeep kumar and Nrmala Babu Rao (2015); Folk lore uses and Preliminary Phytochemical Investigation on Leaves, Seeds Extract of Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) C.Jeffrey Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Sep). 501-505] (ISSN 2320-5407).