Social Media Marketing: Marketers Space.
- Ph. D Scholar at Punjab Technical University, Jalander, Punjab, India, 144603.
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Social media marketing, an outcome of robust technological breakthroughs, overhauled, the cyber space for marketers across the Globe. Social media marketing, being a dynamic business concept, revolutionized marketing practices, procedures, organizational structures, hierarchy, customer relationships. Marketers exploit different social media platforms for creating, communicating, distributing and pricing, their market offerings. Research in the past has focused on social media marketing, strategies, revenues. However, least research has been done on specific issues like social media marketing opportunities. Therefore, the current study would be an Endeavour to explore social media marketing, various opportunities available for marketers, challenges posed by social media marketing. Also, various suggestions for overcoming the challenges would be offered while concluding the given study.
[Owais Ahmed (2015); Social Media Marketing: Marketers Space. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Aug). 1377-1379] (ISSN 2320-5407).