31Aug 2015

SHG: a sustainable livelihood to promote social entrepreneurship

  • University Department of IRPM, T.M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur, Bihar (INDIA)
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Globalization has imposed severe constraints to sustainable livelihoods for poor women. This needs solutions that go beyond micro-credit. The SHGs played a great role in achieving a sustaining livelihood. SHG clearly indicated that when it is well administered it can lessen poverty and it can be developed as social entrepreneur. This paper is a study of SHG a sustainable livelihood to promote as a social entrepreneurship. The data is collected through (1) Primary sources (2) Secondary sources. Selection of SHG groups in various villages was based on simple random sampling. Determining sample size was very crucial, as in this research SHG groups are homogenous in nature in terms of number of individual member, their formation, theirs bylaws so in this type of universe small sample size can serve the purpose. The interview schedule was prepared. It was prepared in a simple way so that the respondent understood easily and gave their answers frankly. The analysis is made by using regression analysis and testing of hypothesis. Chi –square statistics (X2) is used to test the relationship between SHG and social entrepreneurship. The hypothesis is tested significantly at .05level. Regression analysis is used to determine the statistical relationship between two or more variables. It showed that there is cause & effect relationship between two and more variables of what degree and in which direction. The accuracy of the analysis is depended upon the representativeness and reliability of the sample. The future scope of this research is that the capacity building model of SHG women member in running social entrepreneur can be developed. Academics can use the results to build models. This study is possibly the first to know the linkages of SHG and Social entrepreneurship.

[Tarique Zaryab (2015); SHG: a sustainable livelihood to promote social entrepreneurship Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Aug). 504-512] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Tarique Zaryab