31Jul 2015

Impact of an Organophosphorus Nuvan on Some Aspects of Protein Metabolism in the Fresh Water Teleost Labeo rohita (Hamilton)

  • Department of Zoology, SSBN Degree College, Anantapuramu. 515001. AP, India.
  • Department of Zoology, Govt Degree College(M), Anantapuramu. 515001. AP, India.
  • Department of Zoology, S.K. University, Anantapuramu. 515003. AP, India.
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Impact of sublethal concentration of Nuvan (0.011mg/ml) was studied on structural proteins, total proteins, protease activity and free amino acids of the fish Labeo rohita. The levels of structural proteins and total proteins were declined relative to controls in all organs of fish at 1st day exposure and continued its declination up to 15th day exposure periods. From 15th day onwards their levels gradually elevated and came nearer to control at 30th day exposure period. In contrast to this the levels of protease activity and free amino acids followed an opposite trend at all exposure periods.

[ P. GIRIDHAR, S.R.K. NEERAJA AND P. INDIRA (2015); Impact of an Organophosphorus Nuvan on Some Aspects of Protein Metabolism in the Fresh Water Teleost Labeo rohita (Hamilton) Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Jul). 977-984] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com
