- UMRI 58, Laboratoire des Procedes Industriels de Synthese, de lEnvironnement et des Energies Nouvelles (Lapisen), INP-HB - Yamoussoukro - Cote dIvoire.
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The problem of food availability is a considerable reality in sub-Saharan Africa, but this is compounded by deficiencies in protein, vitamins, iron, zinc and folic acid [1]. Yet Africa has a wealth of under-exploited agricultural resources, including nutsedge tubers. The general aim of this study was to assess the influence of fermentation on the nutritional profile of improved tiger nuts milk. Our material, composed of fermented tiger nuts and soy milk, was subjected to biochemical analysis [2-3]. Nutrient levels in soy-enriched tiger nuts milk ranged respectively from 34.330.03de to 53.170.02e mg EAG/100 g for total polyphenols, from 9.880.016d to 13.170.016a mg EQ/100g for total flavonoids, from 86.670.01cd to 97.67 0.01d g glucose/100g total sugars, 2.480.01ab to 4.050.01e g glucose/100g reducing sugars, 29.331.98g to 341.98bc mg/100g protein and 59.790.013b to 65.630.013e mg EC/100g total tannins. These results show a significant increase in available nutrients and a reduction in anti-nutrients in soy-enriched fermented tiger nut milk. Following this formulation, sensory evaluation tests should be considered.
[Sotongui NDa Amenan Richemonde and Ngoran-AW Essan Bla Zita (2025); BIOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SOY-ENRICHED FERMENTED TIGER NUT MILK Int. J. of Adv. Res. (Feb). 972-976] (ISSN 2320-5407).