- Assistant Professor, Department of Agada Tantra, Ashwini Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Tumkur.
- Associate Professor, Department of Agada Tantra, Ashwini Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Tumkur.
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Visha is defined as any substance taken into or formed in the body that destroys life or impairs health. The poison having ten qualities which are opposite to ojas cause imbalance in kapha, pitta, vatadosha and travels all over the body with the help of rakta affecting the organs faster. Poison has to be treated faster just like the rescuing home set on fire. When the diseases of urdwangarogas are not responding to any medicine, the formulation explained in vishachikitsa can be used for its management. There are many formulation explained for anjana while describing vishachikitsa in Sushruthasamhita. Anjana should be applied from medial canthus to lateral canthus and vice-versa. After application, the patient is asked rotate the eyeball slowly which allows the medicine to spread over the eye, eyelids which increase the bioavailability of medicines. An attempt is made to collect the different anjana formulations explained in vishachikitsa. Method adopted was review of literature from online literature and samhita. After reviewing sufficient literature for the anjana formulation mentioned in Sushruthakalpastanavishachikitsa, more than five yogas with their guna and karma are enlisted. It has been analysed that they can play a beneficial role in different conditions of eye disease. These selected formulations are used for external treatment or for bahiparimarjanchikitsa as a symptomatic treatment of eye and used to treat pradhanavyadhi and its updrava the same medications can also be given internally for detoxification. The mode of action of these formulations are analysed and discussed in the presentation. This article is just review of agada drugs for anjana, this article can be taken as reference for experimentation on animals for safety and efficacy of drugs before administering it to humans.
[Swathi M. and Deepa Karikatti (2025); REVIEW OF SUSHRUTOKTA AGADAYOGAS IN KALPASTANA AS ANJANA IN THE MANAGEMENT OF AKSHIVIKARA Int. J. of Adv. Res. (Feb). 844-847] (ISSN 2320-5407).