28Feb 2025


  • Chairman, Janaseva Foundation, Pune.
  • Secretary Janaseva Foundation.
  • Chairman, Research Centre Janaseva Foundation.
  • Director, Research Centre Janaseva Foundation.
  • Internship Fellow Janaseva Foundation.
  • Abstract
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Maharashtra-a state deeply affected by the COVID-19 pandemic-mirrors these challenges. With an estimated population of 125 million, 11.7% of whom are elderly (a figure projected to reach 15% by 2031), the state has been one of Indias hardest hit by COVID-19, reporting millions of confirmed cases and substantial fatalities. The pandemic has further exacerbated mental health struggles, social isolation, and economic instability among the elderly, intensifying existing inequities and barriers to financial security. This study focuses on the rural elderly women of Maharashtra, examining the interplay between socio-demographic factors (age, caste, education), economic indicators (family income, personal income, pensions, employment), and participation in self-help groups. Drawing on a cross-sectional survey of 9,253 respondents, it investigates how age caste hierarchies and educational attainment influence family support, income levels, and employment. The analysis reveals significant associations between caste and financial support, age and reduced economic engagement, and education and enhanced earning capacity. Key findings indicate that while generally common, family support diminishes with advanced age and varies significantly by caste and education. Employment opportunities are also tied to caste and education, with marginalized groups frequently trapped in low-income brackets. Notably, higher educational attainment correlates with improved income levels and a greater likelihood of self-help group participation-both critical levers for enhancing financial security and autonomy. Integrating these insights, the article highlights the urgent need for nuanced, multi-dimensional policy responses. Recommendations include expanding pension coverage, bolstering self-help group initiatives, tailoring interventions for marginalized castes, investing in adult education and vocational training, and designing age-sensitive work opportunities. By acknowledging the socio-psychological dimensions shaped by the post-COVID context-such as social isolation and mental health concerns-these interventions can help create a more equitable and supportive environment for elderly women in rural Maharashtra, ensuring that the states demographic future does not come at the cost of its most vulnerable citizens.

[Vinod Shah, Meena Shah, Subhash Salunke, B.T Lawani and Riya Shah (2025); FINANCIAL STATUS OF THE RURAL ELDERLY WOMEN IN MAHARASHTRA DURING POST-COVID-19 Int. J. of Adv. Res. (Feb). 929-947] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr Vinod Shah
Chairman Janaseva Foundation Pune


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/20451      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/20451