- Postgraduate Degree in Esthetic Electrotherapy, - Universidade Paranaense UNIPAR, Parana/PR, Brazil.
- Department of Research, Development, and Innovation at Brazilian Medical Equipment Industry - IBRAMED, Amparo/SP, Brazil.
- Department of Engineering at Brazilian Medical Equipment Company - IBRAMED, Amparo/SP, Brazil.
- Department of Physiotherapy of the Centro Universitario das Faculdades Associadas de Ensino - UNIFAE.
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Background: Criolipolise is a technology widely used for aesthetic treatments that aim to reduce the layer of subcutaneous tissue. The application using plates revolutionized the protocols, once it favored the treatment of different body areas, difficult to treat with suction applicators.
Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate an integrative aesthetic treatment protocol, uniting different technologies and therapeutic approaches, including combined cryolipolise and Aussie current therapy, with the aim of achieving body harmonization through completely non-invasive methods.
Methods: A female patient, 31 years old, with localized fat in the anterior and posterior trunk region, butt and coxa region was selected. The treatment protocol recommends an integrative approach such as the use of cryolipolise of plates associated with Aussie current, complemented by ultrasonic and radiofrequency technologies.The methods used to evaluate body weight, waist circumference, quadrilateral and digital photography for comparison before and after treatment.
Results: The results demonstrate better body contour, resulting in harmonization. By means of circumference measurements, it was possible to observe a reduction in the abdominal region, including upper, middle and lower waist, of 15.63%, 21.13% and 12.82% respectively, followed by a reduction of 8.82% in the region do quadril.
Conclusion: It is possible to conclude that non-invasive therapeutic resources are effective in achieving results of body harmonization, with expressive reduction of subcutaneous tissue content.
[Franciele Souza Doneda, Patricia Brassolatti, Michele Akemi Nishioka, Stephani de Almeida, Jessica Helena Franco Dorigatti, Fabiele Chieregato, Jefferson Tarcisio Zenezini, Elizabete Loro de Oliveira Goncalves, Laura Ferreira de Rezende and Jose Ricardo de Souza (2025); COMBINED THERAPY: PLATE CRYOLIPOLYSIS AND AUSSIE CURRENT FOR CLINICAL BODY HARMONIZATION PROTOCOL Int. J. of Adv. Res. (Feb). 19-28] (ISSN 2320-5407).
Department of Research, Development, and Innovation at Brazilian medical equipment industry - IBRAMED, Amparo/SP, Brazil