- Department of Physiology, BPS GMC, Khanpur Kalan, Sonipat, Haryana, India.
- Department of Medicine, BPS GMC, Khanpur Kalan, Sonipat, Haryana, India.
- Department of Pathology, BPS GMC, Khanpur Kalan, Sonipat, Haryana, India.
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Background: It has been found in various observational studies done till now that many micro and macro vascular complications start developing earlier to the diagnosis of T2DM. So, it becomes very important to diagnose this earlier stage of T2DM i.e. Prediabetes. It is at this stage when one can prevent progression of Pre diabetes to frank T2DM.
Primiray Objective:To compare Nerve Conduction parameters in Prediabetics and healthy individuals (sensory and motor nerve).
Secondary Objective:To correlate HbA1c with nerve conduction parameters in Prediabetic individuals.
Material And Methods: A study on nerve conduction was conducted on the motor median, motor ulnar, motor tibial, sensory median and sural nerves. Prediabetic cases and healthy controls not associated with any pathology mentioned in exclusion criteria were included in the study. Their clinical history had taken and all routine and special investigations have carried out as per patient proforma. After collecting the blood samples, patients were referred from medicine to Physiology department for nerve conduction study, in which NCV parameters (Nerve conduction velocity and amplitude) were recorded.After explaining the purpose of the study and requisite details regarding the same, written informed consent was obtained from all patients as per ethical board guidelines.
Control Group (Group 1): comprise of 65 healthy individuals (NGT).
Prediabetic Group (Group 2): comprise of 65 individuals diagnosed with prediabetes (IGT).
Results: Ncv and Amplitude was reduced in prediabetics compared to healthy individuals.Significantnegativecorrelation was found between HbA1cand nerve conduction parameters in Prediabetic individuals.
Conclusion: By diagnosing it early in the course of prediabetes, morbidity and mortality secondary to neuropathy can be prevented. It may assist the physicians in early detection of nerve damage and to start timely intervention, if required to prevent further complications. So, it is suggested that nerve conduction study should be inducted in routine investigations of prediabetic cases for early diagnosis of cognitive decline.
[Sandeep Kumar, Manjeet Singh, Tarun, Swaran Kaur Saluja and Jeewandeep Kaur (2025); TO STUDY NERVE CONDUCTION PARAMETERS IN PREDIABETICS AND HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS Int. J. of Adv. Res. (Jan). 557-572] (ISSN 2320-5407).
Department of Physiology, BPS GMC, Khanpur Kalan, Sonipat, Haryana, India.