- Department of Pneumology, University Hospital Center Hassan II, Fez, Morocco.
- Department of Radiology, University Hospital Center Hassan II, Fez, Morocco.
- Department of Thoracic surgery, University Hospital Center Hassan II, Fez, Morocco.
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Primary bronchopulmonary cancer (PBPC) in non-smokers, particularly among women, is on the rise. This study aims to characterize lung cancer in non-smokers in the Fès-Meknès region, where traditional wood-burning practices are common. A retrospective analysis of 561 bronchogenic cancer cases from 2020 to 2024 showed that 13.9% of patients were non-smokers, predominantly women, with nearly half from rural areas. Environmental exposure to wood smoke was noted in 42.3% of non-smokers. Adenocarcinoma was the most common histological type (74.35%), followed by squamous cell carcinoma. Most patients were diagnosed with metastatic disease and received palliative care. This highlights the need for multicenter studies to improve personalized management strategies and outcomes for patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
[R. Amiali, M. Karhate, L. Senhaji, M. Serraj, M. Elbiaze, B. Alami, M. Smahi, MC. Benjelloun and B. Amara (2024); PRIMARY BRONCHOGENIC CANCER IN NON-SMOKERS: A CASE SERIES Int. J. of Adv. Res. (Dec). 560-567] (ISSN 2320-5407).
Department of Pneumology, University Hospital Center Hassan II, Fez, Morocco