The study filtration rate of Circenita callipyga by the microalga Isochrysis aff galbana at different temperatures and salinities
- Department of Fishery , Bandar Abbas Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandar Abbas, Iran, PO Box 79159–1311
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The bivalvia Circenita callipyga belongs to the family Veneridae and is one of the endemic species of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. The study has been conducted from February 2013 to May 2014 at molluscs fisheries research station in Bandar-e-Lengeh. The filtration rate of the venus calm was evaluated by the microalga Isochrysis aff galbana in six temperature treatments of 15, 20, 24, 28, 32 and 36 ° C and six salinity treatments of 6, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 parts per thousand (ppt). Each treatment includes 10 Circenita callipyga with thoraco-abdominal length (DVM) of 24±2 mm in a 15-litre aquarium. The Circenita callipyga has not been fed 24 hours before the experiment. Moreover, an aquarium was considered as a control (without venus clams) to evaluate the potential growth or death of the microalga Isochrysis aff galbana. The obtained results from Circenita callipyga filtration in six temperature treatments and six salinity treatments by the microalga Isochrysis aff galbana showed that the highest filtration rate occurred during treatment at 28° C with 3588695±300141 ml/h/venus clam, and the lowest rate of filtration occurred in temperature treatment of 20° C with 1451848±300141 ml/h/venus clam. The filtration rates in the temperature treatments at 28° C and 20° C were not significantly different from those in the temperature treatments at 32° C and 15° C, respectively (P> 0/05). In the salinity treatments of 20 and 25, the venus clams have not performed any filtration, which has resulted in a rate equal to zero. The maximum filtration rate has occurred in 40 ppt salinity, which is equivalent to 2374067±997049 ml/h/venus clam. The filtration rate at a salinity of 35 ppt has not been significantly different from that at a salinity of 40 ppt (P> 0/05). However, a significant difference was observed infiltration rates of salinities of 30 and 45 ppt (P <0/05). The overall results indicated that the optimal temperature and salinity for biological activities such as feeding, respiration and growth of Circenita callipyga are 28-32° C and 40 ppt. respectively.
[FatemehNesa Vojdani, Alireza Salarzadeh (2015); The study filtration rate of Circenita callipyga by the microalga Isochrysis aff galbana at different temperatures and salinities Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Jun). 932-939] (ISSN 2320-5407).