- Emergency Department, Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University.
- Hatta hospital, Dubai Health.
- Emergency Department, Hatta Hospital, Dubai Health.
- Emergency Department, Hatta Hospital, Dubai Health.
- Emergency Department, Hatta Hospital, Dubai Health.
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Aim of the work: To assesses the Prevalence of penetrating trauma in Emergency Department. Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University Hospital.
Introduction:Trauma is an injury to human tissues and organs that result from transfer of energy from environment. Injuries are caused by some form of energy that beyond bodys resilience and tolerate. Trauma is the third highest cause of death in all age group in the developed world and the first cause of death in those persons between 1-44 years old. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), by the year 2020, trauma will be the leading cause of years of life lost in both developed and developing countries. With road traffic injuries, violence, and falls account for the primary mechanisms of injury. Where it was found that there is a decrease in the mortality rate of multiple trauma patients over the past two decades (1972–1991), but does not mention potential causes. However, many reports (2000–2005) appear to confirm these improved mortality rates.
Patient and Method:Descriptive observationstudy.From the period 1/1/2012 to 1/4/2013 included 282 Polytraumatized adult patients with injury to several physical regions or organ systems, where at least one injury or the combination of several injuries are life threatening with the severity of injury being equal or above 16 on the scale of the Injury Severity Score (ISS) attended to the Emergency Department (ED) of the Suez Canal university Hospital. The study excluded:
1- Patients transferred from other hospitals after performing any medical or surgical procedure
2- Patient who died on arrival before initial assessment.
3- Burn patients.
4- Patients discharge on his demand, transferred to other hospitals or escaped.
5- Patients with ISS 16 or more with single body region trauma.
6- Patients with two or more body regions trauma with ISS less than 16.
Results:In our study, out of 282 patients 228 were discharge alive, while 39 patients died (13.83%). 30.85% of patients had penetrating trauma in which 20.92% were Firearm injuries, and 9.93% were due to stab injuries, with overall mortality of penetrating trauma of 10.3%. Conclusion:According to our results we have an increase in the prevalence of penetrating trauma in general and in firearm injuries in specific in the last few years, and an increase in the mortality rates among Polytraumatized patients.
[Naglaa Mohamed Abdelhamied, Mohamed alaqqad, Hossam Hassan Mancy Hassan Yussef, Elsayed Abdallah Elsayed Ahmed Zied and Mohamed Abouelfetouh Abouelfetouh Elshakawi (2024); PREVALENCE OF PENETRATING TRAUMA IN EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF MEDICINE, SUEZ CANAL UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Int. J. of Adv. Res. (Oct). 1038-1045] (ISSN 2320-5407).