30Oct 2024


  • Student, Mount Kenya University.
  • Lecturer, School of Education, Mount Kigali University.
  • Lecturer, School of Education, Mount Kigali University.
  • Abstract
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The study concentrated on the investigation of the influence of geographical location of schools on the retention of qualified teachers in Rwandas rural public secondary schools, with a particular emphasis on the Ruhango district. The study had specific four objectives, including evaluating the influence of working conditions on qualified teacher retention in Rwandas rural public secondary schools, establishing the influence of the school environment on qualified teacher retention, assessing the degree to which economic factors influence qualified teacher retention in Rwandas rural public secondary schools, to determine the influence of socio-cultural isolation on qualified teacher retention in Rwandas rural public secondary schools. The study employed a correlational research design with a study population of four hundred and four (404) in order to achieve its goals. The sample of 201 respondents, which was made up of teachers, deputy head teachers, and head teachers, was chosen using Slovins formula. The sampling techniques adopted included stratified, purposive and simple random sampling techniques. The research tools namely questionnaires and interview guide were tested for reliability and validity to ascertain their appropriateness for data collection where it was ascertained that Cronbach Alpha is within the required range and all comments from experts were incorporated. Respondents were provided questionnaires and structured interviews as research tools for data collection. The Statistical Product and Service Solutions (IBMSPSS) version22, a computer program, was used to enter the acquired raw data. The researcher accessed the influence of each school location indicator on the using inferential statistics, such as the Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation (r) and regression coefficients were utilized to assess how school location influences the retention of qualified teachers in Rwandas rural public secondary schools. Findings were displayed in tables and figures, and relevant suggestions and recommendations were given in light of the findings. Descriptive statistical findings revealed poor geographical locational factors in rural public schools with 60% of respondents disagreeing that they have favourable working conditions, school environment, economic conditions and sociocultural factors. Additionally, the responses did reveal that there is strong positive correlation between working conditions, school environment, economic conditions and sociocultural isolation and qualified teacher retention with Pearson coefficient of 0.736, 0.748, 0.742 and 0.754 respectively.  there regression findings also did indicate a positive influence of geographical location factors of a school on qualified teacher retention with beta coefficients of working conditions, working environment, economic conditions and sociocultural isolation reported as 0.110,0.183, 0.145 and 0.285 respectively. the study concluded that there is positive significant influence of working conditions, school environment, economic conditions and sociocultural factors on qualified teacher retention in rural public secondary schools. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education and Policymakers to develop and implement comprehensive policies that enhance the living and working conditions of teachers in rural areas, improve school environmental factors, improve infrastructure within and outside school. Additionally, local education authorities and stakeholders should collaborate to foster a supportive community for teachers, Teachers should be proactive in seeking professional development opportunities and building a supportive network among their peers.

[Nyiranziza Speciose, Hesbon Andala PhD and Amos Ochieng (2024); INFLUENCE OF SCHOOLS GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION ON THE RETENTION OF QUALIFIED TEACHERS IN RURAL PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF RWANDA A CASE OF RUHANGODISTICT Int. J. of Adv. Res. (Oct). 1292-1312] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Amos Ochieng


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/19756      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/19756