17Aug 2024


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Background: In Indian society, menstruation is often considered impure and there is a lack of knowledge about it among adolescent girls. Proper menstrual hygiene practices, such as using sanitary pads and washing the genital area, are essential. However, due to social stigma and lack of access to affordable products and facilities, many girls miss school or work during their periods. It is crucial to break the taboo surrounding menstruation and educate both girls and boys about it. This will lead to improved physical health and greater participation in daily life, resulting in a more inclusive and equal society.

Objectives:The objective of this study is to understand the perception and awareness of menstrual hygiene among female college students in Jhajjar, Haryana.

Design: Questionnaire based survey study.

Method: The study sample consisted of 300 subjects. The subjects were selected as per the inclusive criteria and information was provided to the subjects. Consent form was obtained from the subjects. Questionnaire was given to subjects and filled questionnaire was collected. After collecting the necessary data through the questionnaire, it was compiled and analyzed using suitable statistical methods.

Result: According to the result obtained most of the females have proper knowledge regarding sanitary material. A majority of females re-change their sanitary material more than twice. Whereas washing hands and cleanliness practices were found to be unsatisfactory.

Conclusion: From the result of this study we have concluded that females have proper knowledge about sanitary material but they dont have enough knowledge about washing and cleaning habits due to which they can be vulnerable toward many infections and diseases. 

[Ayasha Jhajjaria, Jitin Kumar and Nisha (2024); PERCEPTION OF FEMALE COLLEGE STUDENTS ABOUT MENSTRUAL HYGIENE IN JHAJJAR, HARYANA: A SURVEY STUDY Int. J. of Adv. Res. (Aug). 79-85] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr. Ayasha Jhajjaria
Jagannath University Bahadurgarh


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/19231      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/19231