02Aug 2024


  • Assistant Professor, Department of English, Tagore Govt. Arts and Science College, Puducherry.
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Quality education has been crucial and in demand in a rapidly changing global scenario. With the advent of new theories like constructivism in education, the academicians and the theorists believe that learners develop their understanding through experience rather than by stimulus and response which were the core concepts in the traditional behaviorist theories. National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) is a document that seeks to make education equitable, inclusive and sustainable. The Policy advocates flexibility for the learners, to opt for the learning trajectories and programs, no hard separation between different domains of studies and multidisciplinary education. The policy has proposed to bring structural changes to the education system. The present paper is an attempt to foreground the challenges and hindrances to implementing and practicing a few of the structural changes and aspects. NEP 2020 states that the students will be able to choose many of the subjects and the level in which they take the Board examination- Medium level and Advanced level. The student will select different subjects for study in class 9th. This may invite more challenges relating to infrastructure, conducting examinations, recruiting teachers, etc. Emphasis on the mother tongue as a medium of instruction may be a problem for the children of people in transferable jobs, this means the private English Medium Schools will keep on flourishing. As per the guidelines the Foreign Colleges will be permitted to open campuses in India, however, there is less possibility to get admission in these colleges for the students whose medium of instruction will be regional language. This may again lead to widening the rift between the economically poor and the rich and may invite unequal learning patterns.

[Mahendra Jagannath Dutte (2024); NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY 2020: PRACTICAL IMPEDIMENTS AND CHALLENGES Int. J. of Adv. Res. (Aug). 582-584] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr. Mahendra Jagannath Dutte


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/19136      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/19136