- Senior Resident, Department of General Surgery, MGM Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai.
- Professor, Department of General Surgery, MGM Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai.
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Introduction: Male circumcision was one of the earliest operations performed by humans.The circular stapler, is a new disposal circumcision device discovered in China. It is a novel technique showing quicker procedure time, lesser complication, and sutureless.
Methods: A study was conducted on 50 Adult males undergoing circumcision surgery under local anesthesia in a tertiary hospital in Navi Mumbai. They were randomized into 2 groups. In Group A conventional suturing was done and in Group B with staplers. Time efficacy calculated by stopwatch(s). Post-operative complications along with cost-effectiveness between the two techniques. Cost-effectiveness between two techniques.
Results: The operative time is quicker in group B compared to conventional suturing. The intraoperative and postoperative pain scores were significantly lower in the stapler group compared to conventional suturing. It is observed that in Stapler group had higher treatment costs than conventional suturing. In group B receiving stapler had fewer post-operative complications than the conventional group.
Conclusion: The present study has demonstrated that the stapler circumcision technique is superior to the conventional suturing technique. The stapler technique is quicker and less complicated with good patient compliance. A drawback is a costly approach and training in manual skills that require a precise application. The study needs to be on a larger scale with a larger population for further improvement.
[Akshaya Parthiban and Kundan Gedam (2024); THREAD OR STAPLE: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SURGICAL TECHNIQUES IN CIRCUMCISION SURGERY Int. J. of Adv. Res. (May). 999-1006] (ISSN 2320-5407).
Senior Resident