- Department of Food Technology, Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, Nagpur – 440033, India.
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The effect of UV-C radiations on the shelf life of fresh cut fruits was studied by comparing the treated fruits with untreated fruit as control sample. A fruit basket was prepared by packing cut fruits into an aluminum box and oxywrap cling film. Comparative study was done by analyzing texture, color, TSS, pH, acidity and moisture during storage at 80C. Texture analysis of fresh fruits and UV irradiated fruits was done by TA-XT Plus texture analyzer as well as browning analysis was done by Lovibond RT series Reflectance Tintometer. UV treatment was found effective to control microbial growth and enzymatic browning. There was no any significant change in physicochemical properties of fruits was observed. The firmness of fruits got improved by UV irradiation than control sample. Juice leakage was observed in control sample but fruits were firm after UV treatment till 4th day. Untreated fruits had progressive browning as well as deterioration attend in 2 days storage. Deterioration quality was evaluated by microbial growth on fruits on 4th day of treatment. Change in color value was minimum compared to untreated fruits. The slight decrease in lightness L* during 4 days storage at 80 temperature indicates enzymatic browning. Results indicate that quality and shelf life of fresh cut fruits get improved by UV radiation treatment and it is a highly efficient non thermal preservation technique for fresh cut fruits.
[Shraddha Kulkarni, Sneha Karadbhajne (2015); INFLUENCE OF UV LIGHT EXPOSURE ON SHELF LIFE EXTENSION OF FRESH-CUT FRUITS Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (May). 1296-1306] (ISSN 2320-5407).