- Assistant Professor & co-ordinator I/c, Department of Studies in Criminology & Forensic Science, Karnatak University, Dharwad.
- Research Scholar, Department of Studies in Criminology & Forensic Science, Karnatak University, Dharwad.
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Sexual Harassment is a topic of concern throughout the world. It has been a fixture of the workplace since women first began to work outside the home. Women are the integral part of human kind. In the modern world the contribution of women in the work of all sectors is very remarkable. But at the same time women are harassed sexually by male workers at workplaces, large-scale surveys of working women suggest that approximately 1 of every 2 women will be harassed at some point during their academic or working lives. Sexual Harassment directed against women at workplace by their supervisors, fellow employees, or third parties interferes with the integration of women in the workforce, reinforces the subordination of women to men in society, and violates women's dignity. It is very shameful thing to accept in the modern civilized society. So many laws have been implemented to protect women from the sexual harassment at workplaces. This paper tries to define and point out the laws and guidelines to prevent the danger of sexual harassment at workplace. We must hope that the attitude of the male workers towards the female workers will change positively and the world will be free from this menace.
[G.S.Venumadhava, M. Tejashwini (2015); SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF WOMEN AT WORKPLACE Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (May). 1136-1139] (ISSN 2320-5407).