30Jan 2024


  • Graduate School of Criminal Justice and Public Safety, University of Baguio.
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The Field Training Program involved the experience and assignment in patrol, traffic, and investigation in the police stations as active observers and passive performers. With this, the study aimed to determine the experiences of the Philippine National Police Field Training Program trainees of Cordillera. Specifically, it investigated the learning experiences of the Field Training Program trainees in Investigation, Traffic, and Patrol and common problems encountered by FTP during their Field Training Program. A qualitative descriptive design was used for the inquiry. Data collection involved using an interview guide. 70 Police Trainees from the Cordillera Administrative Region Training Center. Most of the key informants stated that the major learnings they have acquired during their assignment at the Investigation unit include the proper way to accomplish the blotter entry and incident report form, the Basic Process of Crime Investigation, how to make basic investigation reports, and modes of filing criminal cases. On their duty at the Traffic Management Unit, the police trainees learned how to conduct traffic direction and control effectively. They learned the value or importance of courtesy, discipline, and maximum tolerance when directing, controlling, and managing traffic and how to engage the members of the community effectively. Another is that police trainees have learned the importance of police visibility relative to crime prevention. The common problems encountered by FTP trainees during their Field Training Program include Unclear and conflicting Instructions, lack of equipment for mobility in responding to police assistance or incidents, the lack of enhancement lectures and table tap exercises rendered to police trainees on OJT is another challenge encountered and Lack of Communication and Coordination among trainees.

[Denmar Alfran Depayso Floresca (2024); UNVEILING THE DYNAMICS: EXPLORING POLICE TRAINEES FIELD TRAINING EXPERIENCES IN THE CORDILLERA REGION Int. J. of Adv. Res. (Jan). 507-514] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Denmar Alfran D. Floresca


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/18147      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/18147