19Jan 2024


  • Graduated in Physical Education, Federal University of Sao Carlos, PhD in Medical Sciences, Ribeirao Preto Medical School, Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1 Lieutenant of the Brazilian Air Force Academy.
  • Medical Student. University of Ribeirao Preto. Guaruja, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
  • Medical Student. Universidad Central del Paraguay, Paraguay.
  • Medical Student. Potiguar University. Natal. Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
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In-flight kinetosis (aerokinetosis) is a normal physiological response to the perception of unusual movement, occurring frequently in airmen. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of aerokinetosis among cadet aviators in the Brazilian Air Force, their search for medical treatment and the influence of symptoms on their performance. To this end, a cross-sectional prevalence study was carried out, based on a questionnaire created by the researchers. The airmen (cadets) answered objective questions individually. The number of cadets assessed was 186. The average age was (22.5+ 1.8) years, with the majority being male n=174. The small number of women does not allow us to infer a comparison between the sexes. The number of cadets diagnosed with aerokinetosis was 112 (60.2%), while in international studies it ranges from 10% to 39%. The maneuvering and acrobatics phase had the highest incidence of aerokinetosis, cited by 75 of the 186 cadets. Of the 112 cadets diagnosed with aerokinetosis, 37 reported that their performance was affected on a mission, and of the cadets who showed symptoms, 91% sought medical assistance after the crisis. Among those who had already undergone some form of treatment (n=102), 98 cadets used medication, 58 reported using trampoline exercises prescribed by their doctor and 2 were treated with acupuncture. Only 35 cadets reported improvement after some kind of intervention. Most of them did not undergo specialized treatment, even though their performance was impaired during their flight routine.

[Thiago A. Rochetti Bezerra, Alexandre D. Vivas, Julio E. Calheiros, Caroline P. Golin, Eliza F. Prezotto, Juliana F. B. Paschoal, Thalita P. M. Alineri, Delio T. M. Malaquias, Luiz Rodolfo T. Silva, Samantha R.G. Sanches, Ana Carolina P. Bergamin, Charline C. Casaril, Leonardo T. Silva, Joao Paulo P. Santos, Talita R.Q. Lopes, Elton L. F. Oliveira, Isadora O. Soler, Diego P. Mariz, Adriana F. V. Delgado, Larissa O. Santos, Caio V. Sa Bertozzi, Lorenza (2024); EVALUATION OF SENSORINEURAL DISCOMFORT IN BRAZILIAN AIR FORCE PILOTS CAUSED BY IN-FLIGHT KINETOSIS Int. J. of Adv. Res. (Jan). 221-230] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

thiago augusto rochetti bezerra
Universidade de Ribeirão Preto


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/18112      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/18112