16Aug 2023


  • Faculty of Liberal Arts, KrirkUniveresity, Thailand.
  • B.T.Y. Development Company Limited, Thailand.
  • Faculty of Business Administration, North Bangkok University, Thailand.
  • Manager, DigiworldPatana Company Limited, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University, Thailand.
  • Asian Engineering Consultants Corporation Limited, Thailand.
  • Faculty of Liberal Arts, KrirkUniveresity, Thailand.
  • Faculty of Liberal Arts, Krirk University, Thailand.
  • Faculty of Business Administration, North Bangkok University, Thailand.
  • Abstract
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People have been seeking for more knowledge and technic about how to become an effective leader because they believe that leadership is a way to improve their work performance and drive an organization to be successful. Therefore, how leaders present themselves to others, influence and motivate the others to follow their vision and strategy is the most important role of leaders. At the same time, business companies want individuals who have leadership ability because they believe these individuals provide special assets to their organization, as such, leaders are necessary in each organization as they can give directions, and visions, and then motivate and lead people within the organization to achieve the same goals and purposes. This paper presents the meaning of leadership, the role of leadership, changing organizational culture and developing organizational strategies.

[Sukhumpong Channuwong, Kirati Wongsutthirat, Teeradej Snongtaweeporn, Darunya Patcharapitiyanon, Boonyabaramee Sawangwong, Panisara Suebchaiwang, Parkpoom Niamsri, Wannee Benjawatanapon and Rapassa Roung-Onnam (2023); THE ROLE OF LEADERSHIP FOR MODERN ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES Int. J. of Adv. Res. 11 (Aug). 919-925] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Teeradej Snongtaweeporn
North Bangkok University, Thailand


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/17471      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/17471