30May 2015

Behavior of Moroccan red press wine after the clarification process

  • 1. Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Laboratory, Faculty of Science Meknès, University Moulay Ismail, Morroco.
  • Company LES CELLIERS DE MEKNES, Morroco.
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The press wines represent a non-negligible part of the produced volumes, into practice these wines are integrated to run wine, but the assembly work is delicate, because it can affect the quality of the runinig wines. The aim of this work is to study the sensory and physicochemical behavior of Moroccan presswine varieties Petit Verdot and Cabernet Sauvignon after the clarification process (enzyme and gelatins) during five months before blinding with running wines. The statistical evaluation of the obtained results confirmed a significant (p <0.05) decrease of press wines turbidities and from the first seven weeks. The turbidities of press wine witch treated with enzyme stand lower than those treated only with gelatin. Also a significant difference in color intensity and the amount of anthocyanins extracted from the two grapes varieties. From the results obtained from the taste panel, the taste quality of press wine is improved as a result of the significant reduction (p <0.05) of bitterness and astringency intensity. Press wine was stored for five months, a significant reduction in total phenolic index (p <0.05), and the total anthocyanin (p <0.05) were shown. In contrast, low variation of wine color intensity, the quantity of tannins and intensity of astringency. The clarification process improves significantly sensory and filterability of Moroccan red press wine before blinding with runinig wines.

[Mohamed Benaziz, Said Ebnaich, Farid Ouissa, Hicham Douieb, Hassan Hajjaj (2015); Behavior of Moroccan red press wine after the clarification process Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (May). 218-225] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com