Quality of Life and Psychosocial Problems of persons after Stroke
- M.Phil in Psychiatric Social Work, Lokopriya Gopinanth Bordoloi Regional Institute of Mental Health, Assam, India.
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Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability in India. The estimated adjusted prevalence rate of stroke range, 84-262/100,000 in rural and 334-424/ 100,000 in urban areas. The incidence rate is 119-145/100,000 based on the recent population based studies (Pandian and Sudhan, 2013). A number of recent studies have focused on Quality of Life after stroke. It has been observed that underlying depression effects QOL and the functional abilities of patients. This paper explores to look the psychosocial problems like social support, depression and disability in patients with stroke has associations with QOL. The main objectives of the study is (1) To find the Quality of Life of persons after stroke (2) To explore the Social Support of persons after stroke (3) To assess the Functional abilities of persons after stroke (4) To investigate the Depression in persons after stroke (5) To find relationship between the Quality of Life, Social support, Functional abilities and Depression in persons after stroke. The investigator clearly finds in the paper the mean age of the respondents is 54.36. It was found that the total mean score of stroke specific quality of life is 131.96 and Standard Deviation is 25.35. The result shows that respondents are having more family support, followed by society and friends. Majority of 53.3% respondents were having mild depression, followed by 36.7% respondents were normal and 10.0% were having moderate level of depression. In Social Support majority of the respondents were having more family support. In Functional abilities majority of the respondents were having independent functional abilities. In Depression majority of the respondents were having mild level of depression. In the study it was found that Quality of Life is having positive correlation with perceived social support, functional abilities and with depression negative correlation was found.
[Anil Kumar Roy (2015); Quality of Life and Psychosocial Problems of persons after Stroke Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (May). 166-173] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com