Linking Small and marginal farmers with the growth of India
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India is a land of small and marginal farmers of peasants cultivating their ancestral lands mainly by family labor. The size of cultivable land holding in India is continuously declining with every successive generation. Continuous decline of land holding is a major challenge before small farmers, their ability to access food markets and benefits of countries growth. Increase in per capita income, urbanization and globalization are changing the consumption pattern of India towards high value commodity like fruits and vegetables (Minten Horticulture could be one of the options for marginal and small farmers to survive instead of raising traditional crops like wheat and rice. The major problem of the Indian agricultural is its highly inefficient supply chain. Fruits and vegetables are perishable in nature and lack of coordinated supply-chain result in post harvest loses to the farmers. The diversification in production and collectivization of small produces may help small and marginal farmers to sustain.
[Dipayan Ghosh, A K Ray, Chandrani Biswas (2015); Linking Small and marginal farmers with the growth of India Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Apr). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407).