12Jul 2022


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Introduction: The acquisition of knowledge of medical science initiates by acquiring basic information of human structure which is provided by a branch of science that is Anatomy. For learning and teaching Anatomy, we need to preserve human cadavers and organs for long term utility, following suitable methods and conduct medical exhibition and surgical skill training program from time to time.

Materials&Method: The present studywas conducted on 40 wet specimens obtained from routine formalin embalmed dissected cadavers at dissection hall of the Institute. After fine dissection, specimens were mounted in Perspex jar filled with Kaiserling solution. Specimens were then observedunder three categories one with paint and varnish, second with varnish only and third without paint and varnish. Observation were recorded in every 3 months for whole one year.    

Results: Specimens with paint and varnish were appearing like artificial specimens while those with varnish only gave natural appearance with shiny surface. However, in some specimens, a white fatty layer was formed making the solution inside the jar hazy. Specimens without paint and varnish appeared 100% natural making it easier for students to correlate with their theoretical knowledge.

Conclusion: Paint and varnish was not found to be applicable for all specimens. By applying other methods, we can preserve specimens for long time without wasting chemical and specimen. These mounted specimens can be utilised for exams, exhibitions, study purpose as well as for surgical skill training programs. 

[Amarjyoti Chaturvedi, Kanchan Bisht, Pooja Bhadoria and Mathew Joseph (2022); WET MUSEUM ENHANCES THE TEACHING AND LEARNING ABILITY OF GROSS & CLINICAL ANATOMY Int. J. of Adv. Res. 10 (Jul). 634-639] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr Pooja Bhadoria
Assistant Professor


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/15081      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/15081