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In every economy, there are different sectors and each sector is responsible for upgrading of economy. Banking Sector is an important sector of any economy. It is the strongest pillar of any economy from ancient time. This Sector is having many dynamics and changes. Application of advance technology according to ever changing world economy is need of an hour. Industrial Revolution 4.0 brings drastic change in the banking sector. It is not limited to use only computer in the banks for transactions but customers are also using net banking , mobile banking for day to day transactions. At the same time one step more ahead that use of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Block chain system in banking are the climax of technology. Artificial intelligence is stated to be intelligence by machine. Artificial intelligence is necessary for banking sector to be competition in the world. A tech-savvy customer expects advanced technologies in their day to day transactions from banks to deliver seamless experiences. To meet such expectations and to be competitive in ever changing (dynamic) world, bank need to have expansion and adaption regarding activities for sustaining the customers and acquiring new customer especially young customers. Artificial intelligence is last developing technology across the world.
1. To understand meaning and reasons for artificial intelligence.
2. To study the impact of artificial intelligence in banking industry/sector.
3. How influencing the artificial intelligence for human resource working in banking sector in world in India.
[Deepa Hinge (2022); IMPACT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN BANKING SECTOR Int. J. of Adv. Res. 10 (Feb). 301-305] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com
Assistant Professor