- Department of Agricultural Science, Universitas Islam Kebangsaan Indonesia, Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia 23111.
- Assistant Department of Agricultural Science, Universitas Islam Kebangsaan Indonesia, Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia 23111.
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This experiment was a factorial randomized block design (RAK). The screen house used was the screen house of the experimental garden of the Faculty of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, Indonesian National Islamic University. The land was taken from the coast of Kuala Kab. Bireuen, Aceh. Soil was taken from the top soil layer with a depth of 0-25 cm. Mycorrhizae were placed in planting holes around the root area at a depth of 2-3 cm according to the treatment per plant before the seeds were planted in polybags. Then the planting hole that has been given mycorrhizae is covered again with soil. Mycorrhizal application was carried out once at the time of seed planting. Harvesting can be done by picking the fruit and its stalk. The analysis was carried out to determine the level of ability of mycorrhizal species to help plants in the absorption of P nutrients to maximize chili plant production, the effect of chili varieties had a significant effect on root infection at 45 DAP, a very significant effect on stem diameter at 15 DAP, wet root weight, number of fruit planted, dry weight. fruit, had a significant effect on plant height at 15 DAP, stem diameter at 30 DAP and fruit weight at planting, but had no significant effect on plant height at 30 and 45 DAP, stem diameter at 45 DAP, number of leaves at 15, 30 and 45 DAP, weight dry root, root wet weight, root dry weight, root length, number of productive branches 45 DAP. The results showed that the variety had a very significant effect on the growth of chili plants. The best variety was found in the Lado variety in the vegetative phase which could be seen from the variables of plant height 15 and 30 DAP, stem diameter at 15 and 30 DAP, number of leaves at 15, 30 and 45 DAP. While the generative phase of the best variety was found in the PM 999 variety which could be seen in the variables Number of fruit, fruit weight, dry weight, root wet weight and root length.
[Mizan Maulana, Zaitun Ritaqwin and Firda Annisa (2021); PROVISION OF MICRORHIZA FUNGI AGAINST SALINE STRESS IN CHILI PLANTS Int. J. of Adv. Res. 9 (Oct). 242-246] (ISSN 2320-5407).
Universitas Islam Kebangsaan Indonesia