- Department of Nutrition, Paramedical College Durgapur.
- Department of Medical Lab Technology, Paramedical College Durgapur.
- Department of Food Nutrition and Dietetics and Home Science, Kalyani Central Model School West Bengal, India.
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New generation, which has been brought up in a world where geographical boundaries are no constraintis ready to try new recipes from across the world. The trend is catching up with the older generation also. But all such foods are not safe and can cause PUD. Various studies have shown detrimental effects of such so called junk foods on health of young adult males. Nowadays junk food has become the main attraction for the young generation as it also comes to western culture. The boys specially, who spend most of their time outside of their home, mainly eats unhygienic junk foods. For that reason, the attraction towards junk food increases and causes abnormalities to their digestion system, which ends in severe stages like ulcer. Most of the young people like to consume spicy and fatty foods, as spicy foods always look more colorful and more tasty than healthy foods which also causes extra attention to these foods. But they ignore the facts that spicy foods cause gas and acid formation and is very dangerous for health. Most of the young people are either engaged with study or engaged with jobs, and in both cases, they need to stay out of the house for maximum time which brings irregularity to their meal timing. The young adulthood is also sensitive because, at this age most people suffer from emotional stress which brings irregularity in sleeping, eating etc. These things affect their mental and physical health very badly as they can start smoking, drinking alcohol and can this lead to severe disorders like Gastrointestinal disorders, or ulcers. etc. Sometimes people take drugs as pain killers which can cause other severe disorders(ulcer). Therefore, this study is a reflection of the life style related issues which becomes the major factors of causing ulcer like severities.
[Tasrina Parveen, Monisha Nath, Maitri Chakraborty and Nirban Roy (2021); QUALITY OF LIFE OF THE PEPTIC ULCER PATIENT Int. J. of Adv. Res. 9 (Jun). 480-491] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com