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The data driven societies pushes for more decentralized management to overcome data storage overhauls and faster transmission spreads in various data streams. As wireless technology is getting more advanced, there is a need to reconsider data hierarchical restructuring through edge computing, to pave the way for better latency, operation efficiency, speed, reliability, and versatility. Already, video and gaming technologies have benefited from edge technologies by streamlining their services delivery as well as boosting their revenue growth. However, lack of standard thwarts unified development and application of edge computing at global level due to defragmented standards. As such, enterprises that have already purged into edge computing such as AWS, Google and Microsoft need to embark on more collaborative approaches to ensure unified standards in edge computing developments.
[Zulkernyne Ibne Tahasin (2021); EDGE COMPUTING: THE PROMISES IT HOLDS AND MARKET DYNAMICS Int. J. of Adv. Res. 9 (May). 987-993] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com