- Centre for Heritage Studies, Hill Palace, Tripunithura, Kerala, India.
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Coins are as important as the inscription in history. Numismatics, the study of coins, is a multi-disciplinary science in the sense it requires information in palaeography, prehistoric studies, engravings and history, however it is itself one of the fundamental hotspots for the reproduction of history. Kerala was conceivably occupied with exchanging exercises from 3000 BCE with Sumerians and Babylonians. Phoenicians, Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Jews, Arabs, Chinese and Europeans were pulled in by an assortment of wares, particularly flavors, cotton textures and other resources. Trade, invasion and civilizations were influenced the coin history. The evolution of coinage in Kerala throws light to history too. The present paper is an attempt to review the studies on numismatics of Kerala and thus to history too.
[Remya A. (2021); HISTORY OF COINS IN KERALA Int. J. of Adv. Res. 9 (May). 136-140] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com
Centre for Heritage Studies, Hill Palace, Tripunithura, Kerala