- Internal Medicine Unit/Gastroenterology, Hatta Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- General Surgery Department, Hatta Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- Radiology department, Hatta Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- Obstetrics and Gynecology department, Hatta Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- Accident and Emergency department, Hatta Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
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Ovarian vein thrombosis (OVT) is a rare condition occurring in 1/600 to 1/2000 pregnancies mainly in the postpartum setting[1,2]. However,it is a potentially life-threatening condition andcan occur in other circumstances, such as inflammatory diseases of the pelvis, gynecological tumors, after pelvic surgery, during sepsis, hypercoagulable state, or even sometimes without an underlying cause [2]. It is usually manifested by nonspecific abdominal pain, with or without fever, and must be recognized because of its potentially serious complications (pulmonary embolism) [2,5]. Currently, the diagnosis is done earlier thanks to imaging techniques making the prognosis better[3,4].
[Rami Khaled Abou El Foul, Amer Abdulmola Albawab, Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim Mohamed, Ahmed Ramadan Mohammed Ali Mohammed, Hoda Mohamed Bakri Hammoda, Kathija Mahmood, Syed Muzaffar Ali Rizvi, Nael Mustafa Quraishy, Pierre Samir Mosaad Raoof, Ahmed Mohammed Ibrahim Abdelrahim, Haytham Darwish, Manal Syed Rezzek, Mohamed Gomah Hamed Alaqqad, Ashraf Mustafa Abdalla Gumaa, Mohammed Samir Mokhtar Hamed Elwan, Nadia I N Ala Eddin, Olive Anna Thomas Varghese, Jinan Khalifa, Abu Baker Ali Ibrahim Ahmed (2021); RIGHT OVARIAN VEIN THROMBOSIS (OVT). A RARE PRESENTATION OF ABDOMINAL PAIN Int. J. of Adv. Res. 9 (Apr). 606-609] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com