13Apr 2021


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Aim: To study the actual factors and prevalence behind the Eating disorder among college students because we know Eating disorder (ED) reported to be most increased among Young adult who are college students that face many challenges as they navigate with transitional life stage.


1.      To assess the prevalence of eating disorder among Indian college students.

2.       To assess the factors that is associated with the reported prevalence of eating disorders.

Methodology: - This study used the Quantitative research approach and system review design. Data collection was based on the inclusive criteria: - studies on Indian College students with eating disorder .Data was searched From the PubMed, Pub psych, Google scholar and Medline plus, databases and finally 10 original articles which were added to the records.

Result: Prevalence of EDs is traditionally considered to affect mainly women. In point prevalence of EDs was higher in women than in men. However, this finding varies according to the type of ED. Male subjects are usually considered to account for 10% of subjects with AN or BN .Factor associated to eating disorder also varied in the studies. Cultural activities association with ED, where as three studies had shown that attitude related to eating cause the problem, Past Disease Association with present hobbits of eating, Stress , social norms, Self esteem are also association with ED

Conclusion: EDs are traditionally considered to affect mainly women. This review confirms the highest prevalence for AN followed by BN In point prevalence of EDs was higher in women than in men. There is need to focus on more research studies on eating disorder by using random sampling method.

[Pushpa Oraon and Ankita Sharma (2021); PREVALENCE OF EATING DISORDERS AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS IN INDIA: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW Int. J. of Adv. Res. 9 (Apr). 284-293] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Pushpa Oraon
Shr Mata Vaishno Devi College of Nursing,Kakryal,Katra,Jammu


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/12685      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/12685