- University of Al-Khairiyah Indonesia.
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The purpose of this study was to develop the determination of training factors, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Culture, Work Motivation, and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) on Supervisor Performance in the steel industry in PT. Krakatau Steel and PT. Pindad. The design of this study is Ex-Post Facto which uses causal analysis that explains the relationship between variables and the number of samples of 200 people selected through convinience sampling samples. The data collection method uses questionnairesand processed using SPPS applications and Lisrel applications to process and analyze Structural Equation Modeling data. Descriptive research results state that respondents assessment of Training, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Culture, Work Motivation, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Supervisor Performance has been relatively good. The results of causality research that received hypotheses are: 1) Training affects Job Satisfaction and 2) Work Motivation affects Job Satisfaction. The results of causality studies that reject hypotheses and become novelty of this study are: 1) Training has no effect on Work Motivation 2) Training has no effect on Performance 3) Emotional Intelligence has no effect on Performance 4) Emotional Intelligence has no effect on Job Satisfaction 5) Emotional Intelligence has no effect on Work Motivation 6) Organizational Culture has no effect on Work Motivation 7) Organizational Culture has no effect on Job Satisfaction 8) Organizational Culture has no effect on Performance 9) Work Motivation has no effect on Performance and 10) Job Satisfaction has no effect on Performance.
[Tata Rustandi (2021); DETERMINANT OF PERFORMANCE OF STEEL INDUSTRY SUPERVISORS IN INDONESIA Int. J. of Adv. Res. 9 (Mar). 657-665] (ISSN 2320-5407).
University of Al-Khairiyah Indonesia