- Associate Professor, Post Graduate Research Department Of Economics, Mar Dionysius College, Pazhanji, Kerala.
- Assistant Professor, Department Of Economics, Sri. C. Achutha Menon Govt. College Thrissur, Kuttanellur, Kerala.
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Kerala, which ranks first among the Indian States in terms of Human Development Index (HDI) and Gender Development Index (GDI), presents, however, a poor picture in terms of female work participation. This is paradoxical since the development experience of the State is universally acclaimed as a model for poor States to follow for transforming the living conditions of their people, through enlightened policies of promotion of health care and education. But, the most tragic failure of development in the State is the acute unemployment and low labour force participation rates of both men and women. Reckoned in terms of all the three measures of unemployment – usual status, current weekly status, and current daily status - used by NSS, Kerala has the highest incidence of unemployment both for males and females and in rural as well as urban areas. Educated unemployment in the State is even more severe. This paper analyse the occupational structure of the scheduled caste women in the State.
[Rejimon P.M and Smitha R (2020); OCCUPATIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE SCHEDULED CASTE WOMEN IN KERALA Int. J. of Adv. Res. 8 (Nov). 90-99] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com